

Work safety training


In order to improve the staff safety awareness and safety operation skills, the Taigene plenum regularly carried out safety production training.Only when employees have the production safety knowledge required to engage in their own work, can they prevent the occurrence of safety accidents and ensure the safe and smooth progress of production.


On the afternoon of August 4th, the pipe manufacturing class organized some employees to conduct safety education and training on the first floor of the first factory.The training is explained with safety knowledge, with the display of some accident pictures, as well as the analysis of some past safety accident cases of manufacturing companies. TaiQuan hopes that everyone can study hard and learn from it, to ensure their own safety, but also to ensure the safety of colleagues around them.Through this production safety training, let the staff understand what safety problems should pay attention to in the daily work, enhance their awareness of prevention, improve the ability to prevent accidents.

Taigene has always attached great importance to production safety. He makes use of pre-class meetings, safety warning signs, publicity signs, safety training and other forms to extensively carry out safety education, always remind employees not to forget safety production, promote safety education into the brain, into the heart, and urge employees to develop good safety behavior habits.

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